Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A time-honored link

Have I established the tone yet, can I speak about certain things here, will I be brought up on charges if I mention...I want a broader audience for literature and theory--a critical audience made general. Not so surprising; at any rate, what is your topic again?

Writing criticism is not the issue. It is creating literature--even if through criticism, enjoining courses of reading until they are taken by creative writers in critical ways--can I at least just say, I want the blend here to be almost...taken in by this authority and spanked.

Until that is one reads the proposal, eh? A swath of converts required--I think I'll try ransoming my intellect with the help of this creative writer sitting waiting patiently in the other room finally asking: will this work logically? True, it follows a train of thought and arrives at a certain point, an end to a chapter perhaps not of the argument.

An earnest beginning--you will have time later for organizing a theory if ever there is to be one and I think there'd better not---this is writing criticism in the idiom of poetry. Or in the high modernist fashion implying certain modest recreations---make it new versus nothing-outside-the-text, precisely that tugging.


  1. I reflect upon the website that churns out postmodern mini-theses---with footnotes, in Chicago style.

    Oh, it's there.

  2. this time the doorman recognized me, took my name and no password: a gentleman.

    you raise interesting points carefully now. they will scratch at that swath of sentences of yours,posthaste.

    with that swath, however, one catches rejoinders.

    so you're all good monologically.
