Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Where ideas are likely to be arranged differently: the point of literary criticism is to rearrange the text with a few ideas; reverse that, you have arranged ideas by literary means. A sort of fictive dialogue dealing with extant texts. They're like warm, ungovernable bodies.

A theory-minded critic doesn't truly excavate; it is a commonplace that we write the thing we read. You'd still be lost if you looked past either tradition, philosophy or literature. Try to engage them both with antagonism set between them? What occurs is a rippling fusion of disparate discourses that are usually interconnected.

And so the last few projects have looked...slightly subjective, really trying to convey an artist's arrangement of these textual moments, and in philosophy: a style above all, following Nietzsche most in creating--smashing around in--words. Not a mere call to write forcibly, or to even provide a sense of meaning. Not so small as therapy. Instead an inducement, a law--reeking of candor. Affirmations ripped bodily into text.

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