Saturday, January 30, 2010


And as for...those souls that have not lost their content, their context even--haven't been made frivolous yet....

Finally. It is the frivolity, the disaster of not being able to say serious things because once uttered, and shared on that feed (the front page of status update news)...

it all...seems...light, flighty. inconsequential. and that is everything now or so--they, I--will have you believe--in the power of punctuation, of close readings focusing on style. It is far beyond driven, balls out aesthetic fascism!

you weren't expecting that, oh no, no. Only you feel now that you were suspicious

(I've contributed my share of dearthiness and headache reprisals there),

Watch me advertise this. When I finally delete my Facebook I will have made up a notional space like Borges' "library (which others call the Universe)," for that is where all this is going. That story--the Library of Babel--es increible. I'm reading it everyday in Spanish a few pages at a time, mostly in the bathroom. But today I brought it down to my study, where I am reminded: this God business has to go, and I must tell of the utopia ready for poetry, if we can be atheist and anti-theory enough to tell of un-ideological matters of style until they billow out into all sorts of political and psychological issues yet still with style...still with form mattering most...

Desultory! Scattered!

When I declare the deletion of my Facebook, (after saving the words I've put there) the earth will shake. God will declare something (too) for good measure: god. He'll say, I'm just another text, yet nothing's outside me because I also AM the text. The way.

And as for the critical light!

!!!!!!! The beast held 7 swords and was known by 3 names only. Literature, language, and theory.

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